Jul 14, 2023
There is an urgent need to decarbonise the chemical industry. As the planet gets warmer, companies, nations and jurisdictions are establishing ambitious goals to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases to minimise the impact of climate change. That is a major commitment to protect people and the environment at a time when demands for basic chemicals, plastics... [Read More]

Jul 4, 2023
Celeros Flow Technology has helped a major steel products manufacturer to rectify downtime issues caused by frequent filter change-outs at its production facility. Using its unique on-site Gas Filtration Test Skid, Celeros Flow Technology was able to conduct detailed analysis of the solid and liquid contaminants in the gas stream without interruption to normal operations.... [Read More]

Jul 3, 2023
Companies in the process industries sector — from wastewater treatment providers to metal or pulp and paper plants — face an extremely challenging operating climate this year and beyond. Around the world, authorities are tightening environmental regulations, which govern chemical usage and disposal in process and wastewater treatment. Energy consumption is also... [Read More]

Jun 26, 2023
Pumps play an essential role behind the scenes of our everyday lives, keeping water for municipalities and crop irrigation moving, enabling power generation, supporting oil and gas and manufacturing processes. Societies will never know how much they depend on these vital assets and how many pumps have influenced our lives. Something that facilities do not consider... [Read More]

Jun 21, 2023
Leading water utilities are increasingly embracing data analytics and digital technology to optimise their operations, save millions for communities and increase water networks’ resilience to climate change. Insights from 18 global water utility leaders and experts that are influential in early-stage digital adoption are featured in a new paper from water technology... [Read More]

Jun 20, 2023
Pump systems account for 20% of the world’s electrical energy demand and between 25-50% of the electrical energy usage in certain applications. Pumps are the single largest user of electricity within industry across the European Union, consuming over 300 TWhpa of electricity, which in turn accounts for over 65 Mton of CO₂ emissions. It is also well documented that... [Read More]

Jun 12, 2023
Ahead of the spring budget, the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, spoke of a ‘clean energy reset’ which sounded like a promising step on the country’s net-zero journey. There are certainly elements of the budget announcement that will help firms to move the dial forward, but the UK needs to work hard to ensure that it benefits from the booming clean energy industry. Grant... [Read More]

Jun 7, 2023
A new research study from Flow Research, Flowmeters in the Oil and Gas Industry, found that worldwide revenues for all flowmeters sold to the oil and gas industry in 2019 amounted to $1.64 billion (€1.446 billion) and forecasts a solid compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.6% over the next five years, for a total annual revenue exceeding $1.860 billion (€1.639 billion)... [Read More]

Jun 6, 2023
Online, one can find no end of advice on mixing systems for biogas digesters; often going into great detail about impeller designs, speeds and angles – but away from the office desk, speak to a plant manager or AD operator, and they’ll soon tell you that even the best mixing system in the world isn’t something that they want – inside the tank. Yet around 15 years... [Read More]

May 22, 2023
Addressing the fast-rising cost of energy is rightly high on today’s agenda, so when four hefty 40HP rotors serving one’s aeration plant are also sitting at the top of your maintenance budget, finding a better means of mixing certainly concentrates the mind. In Huntsville, Arkansas, the route to achieving optimum mixing of its oxidation ditches has been a marathon,... [Read More]

May 11, 2023
As water utilities are looking for ways to do more with less, some manufacturers are investing in research and development to improve the product by using new materials to extend product life and value. A simple choice of material can impact the design life, function and performance. One change that has all three beneficial outcomes for water distribution is moving... [Read More]

May 4, 2023
Veolia Water Technologies has built an ultra-modern plant to produce drinking water in Ostend, Belgium. In a multi-stage filtration process, the local water supplier is now producing drinking water of good quality – far above the statutory requirements. At critical points of the process – during reverse osmosis, filtration with activated carbon and remineralisation... [Read More]

Apr 26, 2023
Crane ChemPharma & Energy is one of the leading global manufacturer of valves, pumps and related flow control, instrumentation and automation accessories that offers a comprehensive range of highly engineered products. The extensive product portfolio is designed to meet the most demanding requirements of industries, from valves and lined pipe to actuators, hoses, fittings,... [Read More]

Apr 20, 2023
Despite the soaring prices brought on by an energy crisis that shows no signs of diminishing, ask pump and blower operators about the efficiency of their equipment, and the truth is that most don’t know – according to a leading monitoring technology provider. The pumps, for example, might often be described as ‘working fine’ and ‘doing their job’, but is that,... [Read More]

Apr 19, 2023
For half a century residents and commerce across eight municipalities of the greater London area of south-western Ontario have received their potable water supply from the Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant (WTP), near Grand Bend, and over this period the community has been well served. However, a few years ago, the Lake Huron Primary Water Supply System (LHPWSS) announced... [Read More]

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