Aug 3, 2020
Affinity Water beats five-year leakage target
Water/Wastewater News
Jul 31, 2020
Anglian Water engineers have begun work to strengthen and improve a section of its sewer pipes in Peterborough. As part of a new £2.8million (€3.1 million) sewer rehabilitation project, the UK region’s water company will see more than 435 metres of sewer pipe in the Potters Way area of Peterborough strengthened, helping to improve the life of the pipe well into... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 30, 2020
The Sniffers has announced that it has obtained its certification to use the optical gas imaging technique for leak detection at Flemish sites. The company received the official certification from the Environmental Department of the Flemish Government. This means The Sniffers will continue to assist its customers in Flanders with both leak detection and repair and optical... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 27, 2020
A new wastewater treatment system installed in a town in Czechia will protect valued fishing ponds and raise the quality to EU standards. Packaged wastewater treatment plant provider WPL installed a below-ground system in Klimkovice, in the country’s Moravian-Silesian region, as part of a municipality-led project to construct a first-time sewerage network. Around 110... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 24, 2020
Industrial filters made in the UK are helping an expanding pulp and paper plant in Brazil optimise the efficiency of essential process water. Surrey-headquartered Amazon Filters has partnered with a distributor in Guarulhos, near São Paulo, to provide polypropylene SupaSpun cartridges for the works’ high-temperature condensate treatment. The move marks a second... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 24, 2020
A new 1km outfall pipe has arrived off the coast of Withernsea in the UK after travelling across the North Sea from Norway. Work to install the new outfall pipe is part of a £26 million (€28.5 million) scheme by Yorkshire Water and its capital partners, Ward and Burke and Van Oord, to move its wastewater treatment works further inland due to coastal erosion. The... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 23, 2020
Thames Water will invest more than £55 million (€60 million) over the next five years to upgrade Guildford’s water supply and ensure it can meet increased demand from thousands of new homes. The announcement comes during the ongoing upgrade of Netley Mill water treatment works which supplies 8,500 properties in Cranleigh and the surrounding villages via Hurtwood,... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 22, 2020
Tsurumi Pumps have delivered 10 submersible pumps to be used in the building of a new hospital in Singapore. The hospital will be the largest in the country with four levels below ground and 19 above ground and it will play a key role in supporting the growing ageing population in the South East Asian nation. Tsurumi’s KT-Z series pumps were used to pump slurry from... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 21, 2020
ANDRITZ has installed its P-RC APMP technology at a thermos-mechanical pulping system in China. The technology will ensure optimum pulp quality at the plant in Yancheng. The system processes eucalyptus wood chips for the production of folding boxboard. The global pump and solid/liquid separation firm has received the final acceptance certificate from Jiangsu Bohui. The... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 20, 2020
KROHNE has announced the availability of the new OPTISONIC 6300 V2 ultrasonic flowmeter with a stationary, clamp-on design ideal for a wide range of systems. The system allows users to measure flow anywhere necessary, all while processes continue. There is a viscosity range of up to 200 cSt and there is no need for re-greasing due to solid coupling material, a next... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 20, 2020
Siltbuster Process Solutions (SPS), the water treatment specialist, has provided temporary treatment solutions across five different wastewater sites owned by Severn Trent Water. The sites were undergoing refurbishment by specialist contractors, including MWH Treatment and Nomenca, as part of a capital maintenance programme. SPS, which is the UK’s leading provider... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 14, 2020
Constructor J. Murphy & Sons Limited turned to its long-term supplier Atlas Copco for an integrated solution of frame mounted compressors with an inbuilt generator to eliminate inefficiencies. The construction and engineering company, with its headquarters in London, decided that one activity with room for improvement was the use of compressors in piling, during foundation... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 13, 2020
The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) – the trade organisation representing the business interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and related equipment – has recently partnered with Make UK, the manufacturers’ organisation. Make UK is the largest force backing UK manufacturing and has been helping the sector to compete, innovate and grow... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 10, 2020
Yorkshire Water and its partners are nearing completion of the deployment of almost 4,000 acoustic, flow, pressure and water quality monitors in what is the UK’s largest smart water network pilot. Final installations of the latest NB-IoT (Narrow Band Internet of Things) pilot technology are underway, thanks to the BT, Yorkshire Water and Stantec collaboration, after... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 9, 2020
The British Pump Manufacturers Association (BPMA) - the organisation which represents the business interests of UK and Irish suppliers of liquid pumps and related equipment - held its first ‘virtual’ technical committee meeting. Conducted using Microsoft TEAMS, the meeting took place on 2 July, with 25 members registering to attend. Chaired by John Hollins, of... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 8, 2020
Yorkshire Water will introduce a world first for wastewater treatment when it implements new technology that cuts greenhouse gases and recycles waste material. A partnership between Yorkshire Water and CCm Technologies will see a new ammonia and phosphorus recovery process at one of its wastewater treatment works. The pioneering technology will use carbon dioxide to... [Read More]

Water/Wastewater News
Jul 7, 2020
Southern Water has successfully secured £825 million (€912 million) in sustainable bonds in one of the biggest public market financing issues for the water sector. Earlier this year the company established an environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework which demonstrates a set of standards for a company's operations that socially conscious investors use to... [Read More]

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