Volume 6, Issue 2
Published: March 19, 2018
Sealing in revenue
Choosing the right seal saves time and money over the long-term. Tune-in toAesseal’s webinar on mechanical seals 18 April to find out how. Fluid Handling International is hostingan Aesseal webinar...
European Flow Measurement Workshop
Topics at this year’s event will include the risingplace of automation and information in the industry,as well as innovations to tackle the future tradechallenges in the oil and gas sector. The 2018...
Gas well applications need tough equipment
Accurate measurements are critical to any industry. For Shell’s gasoperations, the company needed a flexible system that can accuratelyassess flow no matter the temperature or the pressure. On the...
A lighter touch for LNG transfer
A jettyless systemfor moving LNG fromship to shore (and viceversa) can increaseoperational flexibility,decrease CAPEX andreduce impacts on theenvironment. FluidHandling spoke withVincent Lagarrigue,director...
Squeezing the most out of the liquid terminal logistics supply chain
Automation andinformation are thenext step for industry,LNG is no different.Knowing whereassets are and whatthey’re doing can helpoperators, investorsand customers makethe most informeddecisions...
LNG challenges and solutions
For pipe welding engineers, LNG plants are a constant challenge, but the lastfour decades have seen some innovative solutions. With the increase in popularity of liquefiednatural gas (LNG) as a replacementfor...
The energy transition and its impact on flow measurement
The move torenewable fuelshas been a hot topicfor some time, butin recent years,especially sincethe Paris ClimateAgreement, things arespeeding up. Fossilfuels are slowly butsurely being droppedin favour...
Finding faults in flowmeters
Knowing how muchliquid is flowing inand out of pipes isnecessary for anaccurate picture ofhow an operationis performing, butmany are failingto scrutinise theinstruments thatprovide thesereadings. Flow...
An integrated approach to energy metering
Ultrasonic flowmeters are replacing their mechanical predecessors forbetter functionality and increased flexibility. Energy metering is a very broad categorythat incorporates measurement ofall four types...
Making a tight fit...
Fluid Handling talked to Christophe Valdenaire from Saint-Gobain Sealsabout developing seal guidelines for valves, combatting fugitive emissionsand the future of the company. In 2017 Saint-Gobain Seals...
The benefits of screw centrifugal pumps
A dive into thedifferences betweenthem and whereoperators can usethem best. In any pumping application, it is alwaysnecessary to match the pump type tothe application in order to achieve thedesired result....
At the heart of the process
How to find the correct equipment and the right partners for operations. Currenta is the manager and serviceprovider of Chempark in Leverkusen,Germany. All of its hazardous wasteincineration plants were...
The wastewater pumping system that keeps Rock Werchter festival in tune
Making sure a large public park usable year-round no matter what requires asmart solution. Xylem explains how… The Rock Werchter music festival attracts150,000 people to the village of Werchterin...