Volume 4, Issue 3
Published: May 6, 2016
Fast action for safety
In a small yet significant amount of applications where Class VI sealing and double block and bleed is required, there exists a limited amount of possible valve choices for the customer....
Disasters waiting to happen
Many lime storage silos at water treatment plants are disasters waiting to happen, putting lives at risk and posing serious threats to the environment. Water companies are already under pressure...
The many colours of the butterfly
Butterfly valves are being used more and more in modern piping and distribution systems. They offer the user a cost-effective alternative to more traditionally used valves such as ball,...
Dampening the blow
Actuated dampers are key to the provision of efficiency and safety in numerous environments affecting industry and the public at large. Critical applications are found in areas as diverse...
Researching safety
In the early 1990s, representatives of many of the major oil and gas producers surfaced concerns related to the causes of chatter, flutter, and cycling (as...
Resolving water hammer through transient monitoring equipment
"Water hammer" is a serious concern for municipalities today in order to ensure water quality and keep fluid distribution pipelines operating efficiently and consistently without expensive...
The saint of sewage
The Twin Cities Rescue Mission in Marysville, California, has been plagued by a sewage pump that constantly plugged up and broke down. Twin Cities Rescue Mission aims to provide a clean...
The Yin and Yang
It is estimated that on average there may be one rough vacuum pump for every three compressors installed on a production site. However, in many cases they can be found operating at minimum...
A combined effort
As storms and torrential rain hit Granbury, Texas, back on Sunday 10 May, 2015, what the city's residents were not expecting to find as the rain subsided the following morning was a...
The venerable veteran
Thames Water is the UK's largest water and wastewater services company, supplying around 2.6 billion litres of tap water to more than nine million people across London and the Thames...
The good ol' boy
Within the papermaking industry, removing water at the earliest stage in the process speeds up the formation of a hard, strong, consistent sheet whilst also reducing web breaks and...
Ultrasonic on the rise
The history of ultrasonic flowmeters goes back to the early 1960s. Ultrasonic flowmeters were first introduced for industrial use in 1963 by Tokyo Keiki in Japan. In 1972, Controlotron...
A novel approach
Across the industrialised world there is an increase in demand for liquid flow measurement systems operating at low flow rates. The range of applications that might benefit from such...
Houston, we have a show
ILTA's annual international operating conference and trade show in Houston, Texas, on 23-25 May brings together thousands of terminal industry professionals to exchange information, identify...
Keep it in the tank
Tanks and drums containing hazardous and flammable liquids require secondary and tertiary protection to prevent potential accidents, such as the Buncefield fire in Hertfordshire, England, in...
The high-pitched snitch
It is axiomatic in many industrial, process, and scientific environments that "everything leaks". What is critical is to know how much is the leak rate, and sometimes where the leaks...
Steam vs thermal fluid
Steam has been a valuable servant to the human race, from a means of powering engines to a method of cooking food. However, there is one area where steam has been outdone in recent...
From the vacuum they came
Manufacture of valve castings is a methodical process, which starts from making wooden patterns, proper methoding (creating a plan for a mould), making the mould, adding the steel scrap metal...