Volume 10, Issue 2
Published: March 21, 2022
Flowing smoothly
Dr Bruno Pinguet, the multiphase domain senior adviser at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory, explains why widely deployed wet-gas flowmeters are delivering significant inaccuracies....
Chemical plant safety system features advanced Coriolis meters
Al Dhanji, district sales manager of KROHNE, describes how entrained gas management and in situ varication improves reliability and cuts down time....
Sustainability and decarbonisation - how the EU's policy supports industry's efforts
Ahead of its annual meetings and joint conference with the European association for the taps and valves industry (CEIR) and Pneurop in Brusselsin May, Vanni Vignoli, president of Europump, looks at the...
Greater efficiency
Pioneering farmer shows pig industry the benefits of renewables with the help of two new chopper pumps....
Balancing act
Richard Bateman, product marketing manager at RWC, explains why thermal balancing valves are crucial in helping to cut harmful emissions....
Helping success flow
Since beginning commercial operations three years ago, the second line of the China-Russia crude oil pipeline has doubled the yearly annual mports of crude oil from 15 million to 30 million tonnes. Matthew...
Raising the alarm
Artificial intelligence successfully detects blockage formations forWessex Water....
Roadmap towards best practice
As part of a new initiative to accelerate ongoing conservation efforts, the American Petroleum Institute (API) released new guidelines to help pipeline and energy infrastructure operators advance conservation...