Volume 6, Issue 1
Published: February 1, 2018
Protecting equipment from hostile environments
How to prolong the operational lives ofpumps beyond expectations with polymetric materials. Pumps are at the heart of any fluid handlingsystem and the second most commonpiece of machinery used in general...
How to manage stormwater conveyance assets
This water NGO explains how to keep essential infrastructure in shape. Asset management is a valuable toolfor utilities to understand all levels ofinfrastructure assets throughout theorganisation and identify...
Robots vs water wastage
Register or Log In to view this "Free Article"Water is becoming an increasingly valuable resource, and with that, leakdetection is becoming an increasingly sophisticated industry. The most recentanswers to the problem of leakage are two tetherless...
Eye in the sky: seeing leaks from space
This Israeli company is using technology designed to find extra-terrestriallife to help save water. In June 2017, Yorkshire Water approached Utilis and its partner, Suez, to trial a satellite-based leak...
Listening to the pipes
Fears overscarcity and worninfrastructureare increasing.Technologies thatsupply accurate andactionable informationare in high demandas the prolific need toreplace ageing pipesbecomes apparent. With increased...
New production processes, new opportunities for the pump industry
Emerging techniquesin laser welding and 3Dprinting are expandingwhat’s possible. Since the end of the 19th century, industryhas focused on products that can bemass-produced. Whether classic transferlines...
Your plant is telling you what's wrong. Are you listening?
Applying automation diagnostics for predictive safety management. Automation technology developed forindustrial applications is continuouslybeing improved to achieve enduserrequirements for efficiencyand...
Cartridge seals: standard for a reason
Originally developedfor hazardousenvironments, thecartridge seal isseeing widespreaduse beyond itsoriginal purpose.Ease of maintenanceand repair, improvedrefurbishmentcycles and betterperformance areall...
The future of pumps according to Atlas Copco
Wim Moors and Antonio Titomanliofrom Atlas Copco talk about what tolook out for when buying a pump andwhat the next steps are for the industry. “We’re seeing real growth in the pump industry,...
Optimising pumps for extreme slurry
How to move from a conveyor to a pipeline system for best performance. Ethanol fuel is produced from corn,sugar cane, sugar beets, molasses,starch or cellulose with the predominantprimary product being...
Extracting more oil for less
New synthetic water treatment media shows big potential to reduce costs oftreating produced water from polymer flooding. Continuing oil and gas market pricing pressures keepexploration and production (E&P)...