Volume 12, Issue 1
Published: February 6, 2024
Transitioning to net-zero
A moment of truth is coming for the oil and gas industry, a new International Energy Agency (IEA) report finds....
Targeting net-zero goals
The Saudi Arabian oil and gas producer highlightsits latest carbon emission reduction technologies....
Harmony within strife
The American Petroleum Institute signs a historic agreement with Ukraine counterpart which shifts standards away from Russian methods....
Turning to hydrogen to meet emission goals
Material solutions for its growing market....
Goodbye Cavitation
Automatic recirculation valves help solve problems inside plant....
Special collaboration
Special collaboration UK and Germany partner to become world hydrogen leaders....
Increasing throughput and accuracy
Conditioners tame irregular fluid flows to protect process equipment and instruments....
Energy efficiency - are attitudes changing?
Wayne Rose, CEO at the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association, considers whether there is at last a change in attitudes towards energy efficiency amongst the general public. ...
Strategic investment
Saunders marks its 90 anniversary with a new facility in the UK....
Adding practicality to protective products
Determining low temperature ratings for rubber seals
Product engineer Sarah Young and applications engineer Brett Yoder, of Garlock Sealing Technologies, look at how to create safe guidelines for product usage....