Yorkshire Water awards £650 million in funding for infrastructure projects
The £400 million (€474.1 million) Infrastructure Networks framework covers the delivery of infrastructure pipeline projects for both clean and wastewater assets. The £250 million (€296.3 million) Customer Focussed Infrastructure Works framework involves the delivery of programmes of work including internal flooding, lead replacement and minor works packages.
A total of nine partners have been appointed by Yorkshire Water to deliver the frameworks, including Galliford Try Infrastructure, Morrison Utility Services, Mott MacDonald Bentley, nmcn, Peter Duffy, Sapphire Utility Services, Fastflow Pipeline Services, O'Connor Utilities and Network Plus.
“We are delighted to have put in place the final piece of our highly collaborative partnering arrangements for the delivery of our AMP7 programme,” commented Mark Baker, head of programme delivery at Yorkshire Water. “We are excited to be embarking on a new way of working which takes us away from a traditional transactional environment and into an Enterprise world which will see new levels of engagement, alignment and collaboration between partners to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.”