Xylem chosen for Colorado water project
The initiative is aiming to increase awareness of water reuse as Colorado looks to extend its water supply.
The PureWater Colorado Demonstration Project, a scheme aiming to demonstrate direct potable reuse (DPR) as a ‘safe, reliable and sustainable’ source of drinking water, has chosen Xylem as its water technology solutions provider.
DPR takes wastewater, treats it, and then reintroduces it directly into the water supply. Colorado plans to use water reuse as part of an effort to extend the state’s water supplies in a sustainable and efficient way while reducing the amount of water diverted from rivers and streams.
The project is a partnership between Denver Water, Carollo Engineers, WateReuse Colorado and Xylem. The efforts are focused on the Denver Water Recycling Plant and will run during April 2018, with some of the water being used to brew beer to increase public awareness of water purification.
In 2017 Xylem signed a three-year commitment to support the American non-profit Water Environment Research Foundation’s studies into water reuse.
The company is contributing its Wedeco MiPRO advanced oxidation process pilot system and a Leopold granulated activated carbon filter pilot to the project. The company says that one of the advantages of this equipment is it doesn’t use reverse-osmosis membranes, avoiding their high capital costs, high operating costs, and need for brine disposal.
“We are very excited to be part of this forward-looking, important project that aims to promote a sustainable, reliable and safe drinking water treatment process. It is crucial that we implement sustainable solutions, like water reuse, to meet future water needs. We hope that this demonstration will help to raise awareness and understanding among the local population and community leaders about how DPR can help to provide for their water needs now and in the future,” said Steve Green, business development manager at Xylem.
Xylem says that its water treatment products have already seen use across the US.