
Why actuators for connected industry run on brushless DC Motors

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With no need for compressed air, early electric actuators can operate with less sound and less maintenance than the predominant pneumatic actuator.
Of course, the standard pneumatic option offered its own apparent benefits – performance in extreme temperatures, for example, and an elegant simplicity. As a result, the flow control industry has stubbornly clung to pneumatic actuators, specifically in the US market, for decades.
Now, this market is changing. In the next few years, the market for electric actuators in the US is expected to balloon by 17% annually.
This shift comes amid growing interest in interconnectivity, in harnessing the IoT and enabling Industry 4.0. While the electric actuator was once a replacement technology for a pneumatic option, next generation electric actuators offer new functionalities that make them distinct products altogether.
These new actuators can connect to networks.
The difference starts at the core of these devices: the motor. Brushless DC technology is making electric actuators more efficient, more adaptable, and more connected—and changing expectations for what an actuator can do.

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