Wessex Water shares plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions
The operational net-zero plan will reduce the organisation’s annual emissions by 110,000 tonnes of CO2 and has three key strands:
- Emissions avoidance by further reducing leakage and encouraging water efficiency; use of lower-carbon transport and promoting low energy, nature-based solutions;
- Optimisation measures to improve energy efficiency;
- More renewable energy by increasing generation from biogas and new opportunities for wind and solar power, both as generator and end-user.
“There is no doubt we are in the midst of a climate crisis,” said Wessex Water’s chief executive, Colin Skellett. “Unless substantially reduced or removed, these gases will result in a level of global warming that will be catastrophic for humanity and most of the world’s remaining ecosystems.
“The climate is changing rapidly and the effects will become more severe unless we act now.
“It is critical that we focus on our efforts on ways to neutralise our carbon footprint and are committed to achieving net-zero operational carbon emissions by 2030, however, we must decarbonise all aspects of our work, and will work to achieve net-zero total emissions by 2040 at the latest.
“Delivering our plan will require investment, collaboration and innovation. We will work with our communities, customers and other stakeholders to meet this challenge, with new ways of working and the use of emerging technologies.
“We look forward to working together to play our part in halting the environmental and societal damage being caused by climate change.”