Watertight AUMA actuators installed for pipeline flooding solution
This work was being carried out in Doha, Qatar, when Ashgal, the Public Works Authority of the country, decided to upgrade its stormwater network.
Several huge roller gates were installed in underground chambers in order to shut off DN 2700 stormwater pipelines in case of an emergency.
The actuators operating the huge roller gates had to be installed inside the chambers.
As the chambers may become flooded during heavy rainfall, Ashgal was looking for actuators that can be immersed in water for extended periods of time. The total chamber height is 24.5 m, and the actuators had to be mounted approximately 6 m below ground level.
AUMA supplied powerful SA 30.1-UW underwater actuators that are suited for continuous underwater use at up to 15 m head of water.
While the actuators were mounted on an access platform inside the chamber, the AC 01.2 actuator controls were mounted separately from the actuator outside the floodable area using a wall bracket.
All local operation can be carried out safely using the AC 01.2 actuator controls.
AUMA SA-UW actuators for continuous underwater use possess a sophisticated sealing system combined with corrosion protection.
Double sealed cable glands at the electrical connection, inner seals at all housing covers, and a solid shaft made of stainless steel safely prevent any ingress of water.