
Wanner wins court case in China to protect its innovations

Wanner Engineering has announced that it had won a court judgement in China for an infringement against one of its patents for its Wanner Hydra-Cell seal-less diaphragm pumps.

The engineering company is investing tens of millions of dollars in new technology to continue delivering innovation for its customers to help improve their processes.
With 159 patents worldwide and 11 in China, it has an active programme to protect these to ensure that its R&D continues effectively.

This programme has helped to give the seal-less and packing-free Hydra-Cell pumps a range of benefits to customers, such as:

  • High efficiency - lowering energy consumption

  • Ability to reliably and safely handle many difficult process liquids with 20 years plus service life – lowering the total cost of ownership

Wanner was able to stop the counterfeiters who were making very poor quality pumps, sending an important message that it is protecting its rights and doing everything it can to stop the copying of patented innovations - and to protect customers.

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