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Titan explains the factors which determine flowmeter performance

Flowmeters have become essential measuring devices used in a range of different industries, from commercial applications measuring the fuel feeding industrial boilers, to flow monitoring of lubricant supply lines for wind turbines, to dosing chemicals for agricultural sprays.

Domestically, flowmeters are installed to manage the dispensing of beer or coffee, for example, or built into washing machines and dishwashers to meter efficient water usage.

Turbine flowmeters are invaluable measurement tools and their repeatability and linearity are they key elements that determine a flowmeter’s performance and overall accuracy. Both the mechanical properties of the flowmeter and the physical properties of the fluid combine to influence the general performance of the flow measurement device.

Terms synonymous with calibrating flowmeters – the K-Factor, calibration uncertainty, repeatability accuracy, and linearity – are explained in a new article by Titan, which discusses the relationship between all these factors and how they each influence the overall performance of a flowmeter.

Whereas turbine flowmeters, such as Titan’s Beverage flowmeter and 800 series, offer the high level of repeatability and reliability required for accurate batch deliver systems, Titan’s Atrato® and Metraflow® ultrasonic flow sensors and the larger oval gear flowmeters, are highly accurate over wider flow ranges, especially with viscious liquids such as oils.

“When customers are deciding on appropriate flowmeters to suit their application, they need to be aware of the difference between FSD linearity and ‘of reading’ linearity accuracy, as often suppliers do not specify which accuracy is being quoted for.”

Titan’s technical article illustrates how the linearity reading has a significant impact on the performance of the flowmeter, particularly at the end of its flow range.

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