The Sniffers receive vital certification from Flemish authorities
The company received the official certification from the Environmental Department of the Flemish Government.
This means The Sniffers will continue to assist its customers in Flanders with both leak detection and repair and optical gas imaging projects.
Oil and gas firms in Flanders have to comply with the VLAREM environmental legislation. In order for a service provider to perform measurements and to check whether the techniques and calculation methods used suit the regulatory requirements, certification by the Flemish government is required.
Bart Wauterickx, CEO of The Sniffers, said: “We are very pleased with this official certificate and to receive confirmation from auditors and third parties that our working methodology is in compliance with the highest quality and safety standards.
“Practical tests, a dedicated exam and multiple audits were performed in order to obtain this certificate. We look forward to serving our Flemish customers with best-in-class LDAR and optical gas imaging screenings and to help them reduce their fugitive emissions.
“With our quality management systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 17025 and our safety certification in place, I believe we offer our clients highly accurate measurements and reliable emission figures that have been certified by third parties.”