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Successful detection of leaks on a PVC line using Aquarius’ Fixed Acoustic Sensors

The Water and Sewer Corporation in Arlington, US, is responsible for 1,440 miles of water pipes serving more than 398,112 residents.
In the past few years, Arlington has made significant improvements to limit water loss due to main breaks and unauthorised consumption. The water loss dropped from 12.75% in 2014 to 8.25% in 2019.
Ric Owens, water conservation specialist in the Arlington Water Department, has been working with Aquarius’ leak detection technology for several years.
Using only 20 AQS fixed acoustic sensors in different locations, Owens has managed to detect many underground leaks - from initial phases of their development to the biggest ones.
In May, the utility installed a few Aquarius fix acoustic sensors and shortly after the installation the system indicated a point of interest (POI) at around the four-way tee at Green Apple and Legend. This POI was accurately presented on the Utility’s GIS map.
In addition to the AQS-SYS automatic investigation of POIs, the leak detection team downloaded the sound files recorded by the sensors and listened to them to verify it was not a “false positive”. Then, the team went out to the...

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