Stoppers to isolate pipelines to carry out essential work
Pipe stopping equipment from the Pipestoppers Division from Huntingdon Fusion Techniques HFT gives the user the opportunity to isolate a section of pipeline to carry out repair and maintenance work.
Luke Keane, technical support manager for HFT, said: “We design and manufacture a range of standard and non-standard Inflatable stoppers for tanks, chambers, tubes, pipes and pipework fabrications, offering a range of pipe stopping and blocking requirements for a variety of sealing problems.
“We recently added a new rubber petrochem stoppers to our range, an easy way to stop the flow of gas or liquids along a pipe or duct. Each Stopper has a longer length than diameter, which prevents them from tipping over and losing their seal inside the pipe. They are also manufactured with a ribbing to prevent slipping.”
All Inflatable stoppers are manufactured with a strong internal latex balloon covered in a waterproof polyurethane coated nylon bag for low friction and to prevent the production of static electricity or accidental sparking.
The standard range of inflatable stoppers is available for immediate delivery in Cylindrical or Spherical formats with sizes ranging from 1 to 96 inch (25 to 2,440 mm).
Inflatable stoppers are available with heat resistant covers to protect them against high temperatures. HFT also has a range of rubber inflatable stoppers that are suitable for petrochemical applications and are resistant to all hydrocarbon fluids and gases.