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Side Industrie launches DIP Booster

Side Industrie has announced the launch of the DIP Booster, a pump the company describes as designed "to accelerate flow in a gravity line". The product is designed for use in water applications.

According to Side Industrie, the DIP Booster is made of ‘high quality’ stainless steel. “They are composed of a shared hydraulic body that fits the pipe size, allowing the gravity to flow through it. It includes a by-pass valve, a level sensor upstream and two variable speed hydraulic drives connected in parallel using VFDs.

The operation principle of the in-line DIP Booster is built around gravity flow. When flow passes through the DIP Booster and does not fill the pipe the motors remain off. The control panel leaves them on standby while continuously checking the level via the level sensor.

If gravity flow leads to the pipe filling up to the extent the start-up level of the first motor is reached, the DIP Booster will start up one pump slowly and then accelerate the flow, activating the internal check valve.

The second motor unit starts up if the upstream pressure increases. The motors stop when the upstream flow decreases back down to the gravity flow pressure setting.

In a statement, Side notes that its new technology is particularly suitable for cases where manifolds and pipes have ‘insufficient slope’, when pipes are undergoing periodic backup, are inadequately sized for current flow loads, or even where increased scouring is needed. The company states that the DIP Booster is suitable for use in numerous configurations, from storm water treatment to combined sewer reinforcement or flood control and prevention.

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