Replacing US pipelines that cause 6 billion gallons of water leaks
Its subsidiary Pennsylvania American Water will start replacing the existing four- and six-inch cast iron pipes with new six- and eight-inch ductile iron pipes along several city streets.
Miles of water mains are nearing the end of effective service life as a consequence of frequent breakage, which is in turn resulting in the wastage of valuable potable water. The company aims to replace the pipeline that was installed in early 1900s.
Pennsylvania American Water has been investing on a regular basis to upgrade its existing water and wastewater infrastructure, as well as expand operations through strategic acquisitions.
This company is efficiently providing water and wastewater services to nearly 2.4 million people.
Potable water supply on a 24x7 basis is essential for maintaining hygiene and performing daily chores.
Millions of miles of pipelines, storage tanks, pumps, desalination plants, and water refineries work in tandem to deliver clean as well as potable water for meeting daily requirements. Water main breaks occur every two minutes in the US due to aging of the existing water infrastructure.
The breaks in the pipeline result in the wastage of 6 billion gallons of potable water each day and add to the loss of water utility operators.
The only solution to the above problem is to update and replace the ageing water infrastructure at regular intervals but a huge amount of investment is required to do the same.