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RefiPampa signs deal with Elessent for hydroprocessing technology

RefiPampa has signed agreements with Elessent Clean Technologies (Elessent) for the license and basic engineering of a new IsoTherming diesel hydrotreating and dewaxing unit.
The grassroots hydrotreater will be installed at the RefiPampa facility in La Pampa, Argentina.
In order to comply with the latest fuel specifications in Argentina to meet Grade 3 diesel specifications by 2024, RefiPampa commissioned Elessent for an IsoTherming diesel hydrotreating and dewaxing unit with a target capacity of 62.6 m3/hr (9,450 bpd).
IsoTherming diesel hydrotreaters enable refiners to produce high-quality, low-sulphur fuels that comply with increasingly stringent environmental requirements, but at lower energy consumption rates and operating costs than trickle bed hydroprocessing units.
The IsoTherming technology is commercially proven to process a wide range of feedstocks, from kerosene to vacuum gas oil, including 100% light cycle oil. IsoTherming hydroprocessing units are designed to provide refiners with consistent 30%-60% savings on utilities compared to trickle bed technologies and the potential of 30% capital cost savings or more.
“We are excited to have the opportunity to supply a grassroots hydrotreater and dewaxing unit to the existing RefiPampa facility in Argentina. The unit will incorporate both hydrotreating and dewaxing catalyst, in order to improve the cold flow properties of the diesel which is crucial to the needs of the refinery in this region, one of the coldest in the country. We have worked closely with RefiPampa over the last few years to generate the most economical solution for the refinery, catering to their unique feedstock blend, and completing pilot plant testing with their feedstock for proof of concept,” said Samantha Presley, global business manager, IsoTherming Hydroprocessing Technology.

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