New tunable laser spectroscopy technology for surface emissions monitoring
These rules are focused on reducing emissions of methane-rich landfill gas from new, modified, and reconstructed municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills.
The regulations require that landfills perform surface emission monitoring (SEM) to identify potential emission exceedances.
Several technologies are used for conducting SEM, including flame ionisation detectors (FIDs) and photoionisation detectors (PIDs). New tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) technology has a number of real advantages over other options.
Overview of landfill surface emissions monitoring requirements
EPA’s NSPS regulations require MSW landfills to operate a gas control and collection system (GCCS) to minimize methane emissions. The regulations (40 CFR part 60 subpart XXX), require that landfills perform quarterly SEM to identify potential emissions greater than 500 parts per million by volume (ppmv).
They must also ensure that their collection and control system is...