New pipeline to reduce seawater contamination
The project aims to address seawater intrusion occurring in the Santa Cruz Mid County Groundwater Basin.
The Pure Water Soquel project is two-fold - reduce seawater contamination and bolster groundwater levels in the aquifer.
“We are challenged by both drought and an overdrafted groundwater basin,” said Melanie Mow Schumacher, communications manager with the Soquel Creek Water District.
“We kind of have that coupled with the fact that we rely on 100% of local water in our county, we’re not connected to any state or federal import system.” Funds to build the water pipeline are coming out of a $50 million (€41 million) grant from the State Water Resources Control Board.
Construction on the water pipeline portion of the project is slated to continue though the end of 2022.
The seawater intrusion prevention wells, near the Capitola area, are expected to be drilled and completed by June.
The Pure water project at-large, including the recycled water facility, pump station and water purification centre, is scheduled to be completed and up and running by 2025.