Landia keeps pumping successful online meetings
Landia reports that it has been pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of online meetings and the number of positive outcomes.
Thorkild Maagaard, Landia’s export sales director, said: “All of us want to get back to interacting with people, but in the meantime, we have no choice. For example, during the lockdown - via our Indian customer KIS Group, we have won a significant order to supply a digester mixing system for a municipal solid waste project in Nepal.”
He added: “Importantly, on-site commissioning will be online, so without all the usual costs and time, including long-haul flights, this is very much in keeping with an industry that wants to protect resources for a better and cleaner world.”
Maagaard also pointed to recent successful online presentations between Landia in Denmark and potential customers in Brazil, which prior to the Coronavirus lockdown would have meant a week away from the office.
“Now we can have meetings on three continents in the same day for a mere fraction of the cost,” he continued.
“Of course, we can’t achieve everything online, but even though we are a solutions provider who doesn’t just sell pumps off the shelf, we are certainly seeing a new way of working. Realistically, it is going to take a very long time for travel and traditional meetings to be possible without numerous obstacles to overcome – yet even when that does happen, online meetings can continue to provide a very cost-effective and efficient alternative – more than ever before.”