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Jemena and Italgas collaborate on renewable gas distribution solutions

Jemena has signed a collaboration agreement with Italgas to share knowledge and experiences in distribution network management with a focus on technological innovation and decarbonisation.
Italgas and the Australian energy infrastructure firm, specialise in natural gas in Italy and Australia respectively.
Italgas manages 73,000 km of gas pipeline infrastructure, while Jemena’s gas distribution network spans 25,000 km across New South Wales.
Together, the companies deliver gas to over 9 million customers.
Under the agreement, the firms will collaborate and share information on digital solutions to transform gas networks into carriers and storage systems for renewable gases, such as hydrogen, biomethane and synthetic methane.
They will also work together on intelligent metering solutions, with a focus on next-gen smart meters, sensors, and appliances; customer experience, asset reliability and safety, with a particular reference to monitoring systems for the mitigation of fugitive methane emissions.
Italgas and Jemena are currently implementing pilot projects in the south of Sardinia and Sydney.
These projects are testing how renewable gases can store surplus electricity generated from renewable sources, as well as the use of renewable gas in residential, commercial, and transport settings.
Frank Tudor, managing director of Jemena, said: “We know Australia and Italy face many of the same challenges as we move towards a low-carbon future and believe this partnership will enable us to share insights, learn from one another, and ultimately expedite how quickly we can bring new technology to market.”
“The digitalisation programme started by Italgas in 2017 has produced immediate results, transforming the company’s DNA and elevating it to the role of a global benchmark,” added Paolo Gallo, CEO of Italgas.
“Sharing experiences with international partners is a great opportunity and is necessary to keep growing through comparison and positive collaboration. I am pleased that after European, American, and Asian partners, this new collaboration with Jemena allows us to enter a new continent to discover innovative solutions and best practices. First of all the power to gas technology that we believe could represent a key asset in the energy transition process.”

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