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Investment boost for new heat network schemes

Heat networks that will use energy from waste (EfW) is to be developed in London and East Devon with funding awarded through the Government’s Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP).
Over £250 million (€295 million) of funding has been awarded to heat network schemes under the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP) since it opened its doors to applicants in 2018.
Veolia has been awarded over £16 million (€18.9 million) to bring an EfW sourced, low-carbon, heat network to a new area of Southwark in the UK supplying heating and hot water to several existing estates and schools that currently depend on gas boilers and supporting the future growth to a new regeneration area aimed to accommodate 20,000 new homes over the next 15 years.
The project is subject to further agreement with SELCHP Ltd, the existing EfW energy centre, and will involve some modifications to improve efficiencies and enable further heat extraction and the construction of a new 6 km district heat network.
Ken Hunnisett, of Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management, said: “Heat networks are at their brilliant best when using heat from natural resources or here, with these two exciting schemes in Southwark and Cranbrook, when recovering heat which would otherwise be wasted.”
Business and Energy Minister, Lord Callanan, said: “Heat networks powered by energy from waste sites are an important and low-cost part of the UK’s low carbon heating mix, helping to reduce our reliance on gas and oil for heating.
“Transitioning heat networks away from gas can help protect consumers from the volatility of fossil fuel prices and this funding will accelerate the development of technologies that help shield households and businesses.”
Energy from waste plants tackle two key challenges as we move towards a more sustainable society: waste and climate change.
Not only do they deliver significant base-load low carbon electricity, but they also process waste that would otherwise end up in landfill. The generation of electricity results in high temperature waste heat which can be captured and used to heat our homes and buildings. Finally, the ash produced as a by-product can be used as aggregate in the construction sector.

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