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Industry’s leading role in innovative water sustainability a key theme at Aquatech 2017

The upcoming Aquatech Amsterdam (31st October – 1st November) exhibition will see a number of major companies coming together to share success and insights concerning industrial action on water sustainability.

Leading companies from across the oil & gas, food & beverage, paper, chemicals and pharmaceuticals industry will provide details of their water sustainability innovations in the show’s Industrial User Experiences feature. The forum will see companies such as Shell, Total and Nestle share their experiences and expertise.

“We introduced the Industrial User Experience in 2015 and received great feedback,’ explained Marieke Leenhouts, Exhibition Manager for Aquatech Amsterdam. 

“Industries are more and more aware of the critical impact of how they manage water resources. They are seeing the value in sharing experiences and learning from each other by participating in the Industrial User Experience, and it provides an opportunity for exhibitors to connect with these end users.”

Leenhouts added: “The Amsterdam International Water Week includes attention to industry, especially at the strategic level. The Industrial User Experience complements this with its practical and technical focus.”


How industrial action is pushing water innovation

A number of major projects will feature in the Industrial User Experience programme. One highlight will be insights into the innovative water reuse scheme at the Tarragona petrochemical plant of Dow Chemical Company. Previously, water for the facility’s cooling towers had been drawn from the nearby river. The introduction of a major water reuse scheme however, has allowed a partial switch to the use of reclaimed municipal wastewater instead.

“Water stress is expected to increase over the coming decades and companies and will need to move to a more circular use of resources such as water,” said Dr Jordi Bacardit of Dow Water and Porcess Solutions, who will deliver a presentation on the Tarragona project at Aquatech Amsterdam 2017.

“One aim of this presentation is to help give confidence to others that they can use reclaimed water in this way,” Bacardit continued. “The circular economy in water management is a necessity. My presentation will help show what is possible.”

A key theme of the Industrial User Experience programme will be the role industry can and is taking in pushing innovation in water use and sustainability.

“In my experience, industry takes much more risk with innovation, solely based on a sound business case, compared to the municipal sector,” commented Professor Cees Buisman, Scientific Director of Westsus, Aquatech’s partners for the Industrial User Experience. “Industry is often a more important generator of innovation, meaning the Industrial User Experiences is an ideal feature for an event that is a global innovation for water innovation.”

More information about Aquatech Amsterdam’s Industrial User Experience feature, and other talks and seminars on the programme, can be found here.

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