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Greater protection for critical Sydney pipelines

Two main pipelines that provide 90% of Sydney’s drinking water will be better protected from development under proposed new planning laws.
The planning guideline is designed to be a comprehensive resource for developers and councils to ensure new developments consider the impacts on the the Upper Canal and the Warragamba Pipelines in Western Sydney.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Rob Stokes said there are currently no specific planning provisions protecting these pipelines from urban development and its associated environmental impacts.
“We’re proposing changes to planning rules that would require any new proposed development around the canal and pipelines to consider them as part of the planning and assessment process,” Stokes said.
“This will ensure development is done carefully, enabling the pipelines to continue to supply safe and reliable drinking water as Western Sydney grows.”
Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said the main risk to the Upper Canal pipeline was the threat of water being contaminated from pollutants arising from nearby developments.
“There is also a risk of developers relying on existing drainage systems to service stormwater runoff from developments upstream of the Canal Corridor,” Pavey added.
“The Warragamba pipelines are most at risk from storm or flood water which can undermine the infrastructure that support the pipelines. This risk is increased by development increasing runoff and the risk of erosion.”

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