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Emerson technologies selected for geothermal clean energy production

HITA has selected global software and technology leader Emerson as a key technology provider in the discovery and development of geothermal energy sources in Northern Belgium.
Emerson’s geological and reservoir modeling software will help reduce risk in selecting locations for renewable geothermal energy projects for the deep geothermal energy company in Belgium, increasing the safety and reliability of construction and operation while enabling long-term sustainable energy production from the earth’s heat.
Climate change policies are driving growth of geothermal energy—an industry forecasted to grow as much as eightfold in the European Union by 2050, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency.
Emerson’s geological modeling software will help HITA locate the most suitable subsurfaces for drilling deep geothermal wells to unlock sustainable energy sources for corporate and municipal use.
“A highly accurate and realistic picture of subsurface geology is critical for the safe development of sustainable energy sources,” said Stijn Bos, chief operating officer and senior project geologist at HITA.
“Emerson technologies use seismic, geologic and other data to generate detailed models that can determine the best location for geothermal plants.”
Emerson’s SKUA-GOCAD modeling software will help HITA more easily identify drilling locations by creating highly realistic models designed for easy interpretation.
“Geological exploration and production software, including Emerson’s SKUA-GOCAD modeling software, has traditionally been used in the oil and gas industry. But it’s also well suited for geothermal energy, as well as carbon capture and storage,” said Mark Bulanda, executive president of Emerson’s Automation Solutions business.
“Emerson’s advanced, science-based applications will help move society toward a safer and more sustainable future.”

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