Elaflex introduces new long-length collapsible bunkering hose type
Elaflex, a global hose maker, has extended its product portfolio to meet the growing international trend towards long length collapsible bunkering hoses.
The type FHD hose range comprises various sizes up to DN 200, and following market requirements, all sizes are now available ex stock with L15 pressure rating in 40m lengths.
Due to recent changes in the marine hose standard EN 1765, reusable safety clamps with fittings to EN 14420 are now recognised as equal to built-in (vulcanised) hose nipples and crimped or swaged fittings.
The FHD hoses feature Spannloc clamped fittings – designed to fit the company's EN 1765 hose dimensions – that can be shortened and re-assembled in the field when damaged, resulting in cost savings for the operator.
For hose assemblies type S and L, the electrically continuous versions were divided into Grade M (“electrically bonded”, resistance ≤ 100 Ω) and Grade Ω (“electrically conductive” due to the conductive hose lining and/or cover, resistance ≤ 106Ω).
The “electrically discontinuous” version ( ≥ 25.000 Ω ) remains unchanged.