
Dogs spring into action for water pipe leak detection

A pioneering method of sniffing out leaks in water pipes has been carried out in Queensland.

The original detection method sees trained dogs used to sniff out possible leaks in water pipes. They do so alongside leak detection technology already in use.

The dogs used are working-line springer spaniels, chosen by trainers because they love to hunt. It takes around 8 months of rigorous training to get the dogs ready to help with the detection but Queensland Urban Utilities spokesperson Michelle Cull says that the dog’s super sensitive noses are a valuable asset.

Cull states that they have “more than 9,000 kilometres of water pipes in our network and some of these pipes are located in dense bushland, so it can be difficult to detect a leak.”

She continued to express how dogs Halo and Danny, “are trained to sniff out the chlorine in potable water and are particularly effective in bushland, where it can be difficult for us to access.”

Trained dogs Halo and Danny are to take part in a number of trails around the Queensland Urban Utilities service region. The region covers Brisbane, Ipswich, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley and Somerset.    


Written by junior editor, Emma Greedy 

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