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Chapter and verse in flowmeter technology

Dr Jesse Yoder, president of Flow Research, has written a two-book set called Advances in Flowmeter Technology for CRC Press that discusses the history, operating principles, growth factors, representative companies, and frontiers of research for all 10 types of flowmeters. The first volume, New-Technology Flowmeters, released on September 6 will be followed by the second volume, Conventional Flowmeters, in mid-December.

Fluid Handling Magazine: First of all, why should readers care about flow and flow measurement?
Jesse: As I say in the book, flow is all around us, whether we’re talking about air, water, traffic, or gasoline. In fact, humans can’t even live without breathing air or drinking water. Yet most of us take flow for granted, just as we do gravity, the sun and the moon. But in reality, even if people have never been interested in flow, their lives depend on it.
Measuring flow is a little more obvious. Although we could probably survive without having to measure flow, most people probably wouldn’t want to. When we fill up our gas tanks at the pump, we want to know we’re getting the amount of gas...

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