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Certifying Nord Stream 2 ‘poses no threat’ to EU supply

Allowing Nord Stream 2 to pump Russian gas to Germany will not threaten supplies to the EU, the German Economy Ministry said on 26 October.

While the pipeline is ready to start operations, it still needs to be certified by Germany’s Federal Network Agency, Reuters reported. The ministry’s supply analysis is an important requirement for the regulator to continue that process.

In September, the final pieces of Nord Stream 2 were put into place. The $11 billion (€9.43 billion) pipeline will double Russian gas exporter Gazprom’s capacity via the Baltic Sea.

“In its analysis, the Federal Economy Ministry concludes that granting certification is not threatening security of gas supply to the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union,” the ministry said.

It said it has submitted its analysis to the regulator following discussions with neighbouring countries. The German regulator has until early January to certify Nord Stream 2, but may make the decision earlier. Once it has made its recommendation, the next step goes to the European Commission, which has a further two months to respond.

The pipeline, which will be able to transport enough gas to supply 26 million households, has been highly controversial. In July, the US said it had reached a deal with Germany to prevent Russia from using the pipeline as political leverage over Europe.

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