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AxFlow Denmark acquires compressed air services provider Trio Trykluft

AxFlow Denmark has strengthened its position in the provision and service of compressed air with the acquisition of Trio Trykluft.

Trio Trykluft, which is located in Slangerup, northwest of Copenhagen and in Vildbjerg in Jutland, has established a strong reputation across industry sectors since it began operations 24 years ago.

The company specialises in the supply of compressed air equipment and generators for nitrogen, which are supported by nationwide service, maintenance, installation and design consultancy facilities. Through its provision of both products and services, Trio Trykluft offers customers a single source for all their requirements.

“This acquisition strengthens AxFlow’s service offering in Denmark, which is in line with our overall growth strategy,” commented Søren Weihrauch, managing director of AxFlow. “AxFlow Denmark already has a strong market presence with pumps and compressor sales in the same sectors as Trio Trykluft, which can be attributed to AxFlow Denmark taking over Gardner Denver vacuum pump/compressor sales and service back in 2014. Acquiring Trio Trykluft will considerably complement and strengthen AxFlow Denmark’s compressor and service activity and make it an even better fit, giving customers a comprehensive service.”

Claus Schjellerup, managing director and owner of Trio Trykluft, added: “This is a very exciting business case and I’m looking forward to developing the business further together with AxFlow.”

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