Australia’s Northern Gas Pipeline begins operations
According to S&P Global, Australia’s Northern Gas Pipeline has begun commercial operations. The pipeline is located in Sydney and links the Northern Territory region with eastern Australia.
For the first time, the newly active pipe will connect the gas producing Northern Territory to the gas consuming eastern seaboard states.
S&P Global state that construction on the pipeline was commissioned in 2015 and completed in 2018 mid-December. Construction cost around $800 million (€701 million).
Frank Tudor, managing director of Australian managing and operating of infrastructure company Jemena, told S&P Global “We know that the Northern Territory has enough gas to meet Australia’s future supply needs for the next 200 years or more, and our pipeline is the crucial, missing link that will connect this gas with Australian homes and businesses.”
He continued, “Provided gas is proven as commercially viable in the Northern Territory, Jemena will be able to increase the NGP’s capacity from around 90 TJs a day up to 700 TJs a day. To put this into context, this is enough gas to meet the average daily gas needs of Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide combined.”