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Atlas Copco’s air compressors meet greener targets

Atlas Copco has upgraded its 8 Series of air compressors to meet stringent emission standards for construction and road equipment.
In addition to greener operation, the compressors now feature innovative new technologies that help cut operating costs and improve productivity, with 25% less fuel consumption.
The updated 8 Series includes eleven models, some with inbuilt generators, ranging from the XAS 38-7 with free air delivery of 2m3/min to the XAS 88-7 with air delivery of 5m3/min.
“We wanted to take this opportunity to engineer further efficiencies into this range to help our customers meet the upcoming regulation and improve their operation in the process,” said Rodolfo Reimberg, vice president marketing portable compressors and tools Atlas Copco.
“The updated range allows construction managers to comply with Stage V regulations while keeping the known benefits of our 8 Series such as lightweight, integrated generators, and HardHat PE hood. Additionally, this range gives users better control over their energy consumption, helping them achieve a more cost-efficient, sustainable, and productive way of working.”
Some of the compressors are also now equipped with advanced control panels to simplify management and improve efficiency.
Six models in this range have either a XC1004 controller or an even more sophisticated XC2003 controller.
The basic XC1004 controller introduces an electronic controller for models that otherwise only have gauges.
The XC1004 controller allows for an easy, smooth and safe operation while avoiding downtime as service requirements are clearly visualised.
The XC2003 controller introduces applications as PACE and ECO-mode. PACE (Pressure Adjusted Through Cognitive Electronics) allows users to easily select the pressure from a wide range, while the flow adjusts automatically to your application’s need.
The XAS 68-12 PACE can handle a pressure range from 5 up to 12 bar - one mobile compressor that can cover a range of applications from paint spraying to drilling.

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