ASTM task group working on new LNG SSL standard
A Task Group Leader has been appointed for the American Society for Testing Materials team that will aim to develop an industry-wide standard for the safe transfer of liquefied gases using ship shore links (SSL).
Andrew Stafford, a technical director at Trelleborg’s marine systems operation, will head-up the ASTM’s new ‘Standard for Liquefied Gas Ship Shore Links’ standardisation group.
The ASTM is an internationally recognised leader in the development and implementation of voluntary consensus standards. At present, more than 12,000 ASTM standards are in use around the world to improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen market access and trade, and build consumer confidence.
In a statement from Trelleborg, Stafford, said: “Linked ship-shore Emergency Shut-Down (ESD) systems have been a recognized safety feature of traditional LNG carrier transfer operations for many years. However, provisions of linked ESD systems in the emerging trades of LNG FSRU and LNG bunkering, as well as the non-methane gas distribution between ships and terminals, are being hampered by the lack of an accepted industry standard for equipment, to achieve the required connection.
“To that end, myself and the team that will be built for the Task Group will look to develop an industry-wide standard, covering the minimum requirements for the safe transfer of liquefied gasses using SSLs. Ultimately, providing recommendations for how we can take welcome steps forward in evolving the inter-connection of ESD systems for universal adoption.”
Swedish engineered polymer solutions company Trelleborg has supplied SSL systems since 1996, receiving over 650 contracts since then.
As well as developing international standards, ASTM offers certification and declaration through its subsidiary the Safety Equipment Institute, and technical training programmes and proficiency testing.