
Anglian Water invests in sewer network improvement

Anglian Water is investing £1.7 million (€1.9 million) in an essential project to future-proof the wastewater network in Hullbridge, UK.

Work on an essential sewer upgrade scheme in Hullbridge, in Essex, will begin on Monday 16 August.

The investment will see 2 km of new sewer pipes installed from the west of its pumping station on Ferry Road, under Kendall Park and towards the western edge of The Esplanade. This work, which is due to finish in December, will ensure Anglian Water can continue to keep up with a growing region.

Originally, plans for the new sewer pipe would have involved significant disruption to customers and road users along Ferry Road. However, Anglian Water has designed a new, alternative solution which will allow the pipe to be installed in neighbouring fields, preventing need for any road closures.

Charlotte Worthington, Customer Experience Manager at Anglian Water said, “The initial solution involved digging up and installing the new pipe along Ferry Road. We understand how much disruption this would have caused for the local community so we decided to redesign the scheme to minimise local impact.

“Using a method called directional drilling to install the pipe means we don’t need to dig big open trenches. Instead, we drill the path for the pipe underground and pull it through, minimising the amount that we need to dig, as well as our time on site.

“Teams will be working on site from Monday to Friday between 07:30 – 17:30. If weekend work is required Anglian Water will contact local customers to let them know.

“All customers will be able to continue to use their toilets, washing machines and other facilities as normal. This work is vital as we continue to improve our network to ensure it can serve a growing region.”

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