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Amazon Filters reveals manganese removal success

The use of cartridge filters to remove manganese from the municipal water supply was the focus of a presentation at the Dwr Cymru Welsh Water Innovation Event on 29 October.
David Ridealgh, marketing manager at filter manufacturer Amazon Filters, discussed the benefits of substituting cartridge filtration for traditional sand beds to remove the mineral. The presentation gave an update on ongoing Welsh trials that have already indicated a potential 25% cost efficiency using cartridges.
Ridealgh said: “Sand beds typically entail high capital costs especially when planning treatment processes across multiple bore holes or reservoirs.
“To try a more viable solution, Welsh Water commissioned us to design a system of polymer cartridge filters.
“It involves fibres made via a computer-controlled process which accelerate the seeding of manganese clusters that can then be taken out through catalytic removal.
He added: “Our challenge has been to ensure the filter harnesses the optimum combination of fibres, and maintains water flow alongside the usual treatment processes of chlorination and pH adjustment.
“The results have been highly encouraging, with discoloration avoided and manganese levels as low as one part per billion.
“As water companies in England and Wales look to AMP7, our trials with Welsh Water indicate how quality filtration solutions can help achieve both cost efficiencies and environmental improvements at the same time.”
Amazon Filters was the only water filter manufacturer presenting at the Innovation Event conference and exhibition, held digitally this year due to the pandemic.

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