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AFT announces winners of Platinum Pipe awards

Fluid technology company Applied Flow Technology (AFT) announced the winners of its Platinum Pipe awards, which are designated to pristine system models that use AFT software.

Each winner won a $500 Amazon gift card and $2,000 in software credit for their company.

‘Most Interesting Model’ went to Joel Neville of Wood in Calgary, Canada for the AFT Impulse model of a production platform based in the Gulf of Mexico.

“The model contains 81 scenarios, analyzing a range of system operations including all pump start-up and shutdown, partial pump startup and shutdown, emergency shutdown, valve closures, flow path changes, and many combinations of the above,” stated AFT.

“Additionally, both cavitation models were compared in many cases to check for consistency in results, increasing confidence. The complexity of the model is evident examining the junctions used - there are 20 check valves, all with reverse closure velocities, 6 control valves with rate limits and open percentage data, a gas accumulator, 6 pumps generally starting or tripping with speed vs time profiles, 10 pressure/pressure relief valves, and almost 80 valves, dozens of which have event-based transients and many which are based on realistic characteristics.”

Arunkumar M, L&T Construction in Chennai, India was also awarded ‘Most Interesting Model’ for the use of an AFT Fathom model with a GSC cooling water system for a nuclear fusion project.

“The model contains 6 scenarios, 898 pipes, and 788 junctions. This includes over 100 specified heat rate heat exchangers, over 225 correctly configured (spot checked) Detailed Tees, and over 200 valves,” AFT stated on the model.

The ‘Correlation to Test/Field Data’ award went to Daisy Ambach from Hatch in Dorking, UK for an AFT Impulse model in a water injection system which was used to complete a study for an operational production facility in the North Sea.

“Data being compared are measurements of pressure and flow during steady state analysis at key points such as the pumps and heat exchangers. On average a match of 8% match was found, with 13 % as the maximum difference and 0% as the minimum,” AFT stated.

Lastly, the ‘Operational Benefits and Sustainability’ award was given to Manas Karnure, Swapnil A. Paingankar, and Dhiresh Mahajan of Ingenero Technologies in Thane, India. They used an AFT Fathom model for a hot oil network in a petrochemical facility.

“The focus of the hydraulic modeling was to reduce power consumption and make the operation energy efficient by focusing on pump energy consumption and control valve settings. The implementation of Ingenero’s recommendations resulted in 40% energy savings,” said AFT in its release.

AFT also announced that it will be accepting entries for the 2020 Platinum Pipe awards which you can enter here.

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